
By B-boy Jp

Step 1

From a sitting position on the floor. Bend one leg and keep the other straight. Depending on what leg you bend that sides arm goes over. So for example if your left leg is bend your arm goes over and touches the other side of the floor.

Step 2

Now get into a push up position. From there you raise your right hand, and put your left leg where your right hand was.

Step 3

Drop your bum down (put the right leg next to your left leg) and you should be in the position you started with. All you have to do now is switch the bend and straight leg order. So if your left leg is bend it goes straight and other way around. Then you start from step 1 again.

EDIT - I had 2 posts where people got confused with the switching legs in step 3. Okay when you have done one occasion of a 3 step you maybe end up with the wrong leg bend when you are finished. 

For example, you start with left leg bend and do your 3 step. When you are finished you have the right leg bend. If this happens then do something what i call a momentum jump. Just transfer your weight from one leg to the other or simply just switch legs. If you never had any problems like this then ignore it otherwise you will be confused.


Some professional B-boys shift their weight from the palm of their hand to their fingers. Try it out if it works for you, well every bboy should do this. It is not exactly the fingers all the weight is shifted on. It's the back of the knuckles (not sure what the correct term is), meaning your palm is perpendicular to the ground while your fingers are flat and parallel to the ground. (thanks to semo for clearing this up)

To get faster try the 3 step very slowly, then increase the tempo by a little bit every time.

To add style and make them look better in general. Again go over it very slowly and try to do whatever your trying to do. Then try doing it normal speed.

If you re wasting too much energy doing this move just a couple of times try working out. a little exercise on your legs and arms maybe (I had to do this so don’t panic that your overweight or something)

If you want to learn the 6 step. Being able to get down the 3 step no problem will make it much easier. All it basically is is adding one more step from the leg that isnt used.

If you want to learn powermoves but it seems like your not getting enough momentum. Try 3 stepping and then going into the move. This works especially well with backspins, floats (handglides) and therefore even windmill. This will help getting faster into the move and making more turns.

This could be classified as a quick 2 step tutorial: see the guy youngbboy14 the one that steps before the you got served film clip ? I not too sure but I think that’s a 2 step. To do this once you get your 3 steps down at an acceptable speed. Try not too touch the floor with your feet when your in the Push Up Position and get straight back to like you where in step 1.

This is a little hard to explain but try to slide your leg under the other one when going into push up position with a little hop. And don’t try to make it look to mechanical the way I showed you in the video is how to do it. But you have to make your own style into it. Like I did (or tried) when it says this is how it will look like.

Once you get that down and don’t know what to do next try learning the 6 step or if you already got that down try swipes.

Hope this guide helped and I will try to get a video soon of the sliding thing and not making it too mechanical. I know you’re sick of hearing this but to get better: practice, practice, practice.