1 - What’s a Coin Drop
It’s a "safe" spinning drop of the body onto the ground,to your back, it’s called a COIN drop because if you actually watch a coin drop it mostly spins around then lands with no "impact". The spin actually diminishes the impact. If you have seen any breaking videos it is the way you start a windmill from standing.
2 - Prerequisite
None really , but in order for it to be useful at least have a backspin down. Oryoucan jump up to your legs (if you can) after yo drop (But not exactly in a kip-up style).
3 - How To
This goes counter clock-wise.
Stand legs apart in any comfortable position (Some say double shoulder width, some say less, I’d say anything over or equal to your shoulder width apart is ok) YOU and only YOU should decide which position you start from, I’ve seen peeps do it from almost normal standing, but the smoothest and best looking is from double shoulder width apart.
Look at the ground, spread your arms apart, "wind up" by throwing your arms to your RIGHT (Twist your upper body right too).
Now BEND..!! Bend slightly forward, twisting your upper body back to the left and throwing your RIGHT arm in front of your LEFT leg, but before your RIGHT Hand touches the ground, kick (Or jump with) your LEFT Leg, both back and up, and slightly to your right in a SMOOTH circular motion. Keep The leg STRAIGHT, it’s good form above all.
Here's a VERY IMPORTANT POINT, notice that you just TWISTED your body, this means that the top of your head should be facing a bit to your left (Or North-East, if you understand bearings…lol).
You have to jump with your RIGHT Leg as soon as your LEFT Leg leaves the ground, now you don’t have to kick the RIGHT Leg up as much as your LEFT Leg , just enough to make it travel into the spinning motion itself.
So now you should be in this position :- Right hand on the ground, body about 45 degrees, left arm God knows where (see Note No. 1) and legs in a V-shape with the LEFT Leg higher than the RIGHT Leg.
IF YOU'RE NOT IN THIS POSITION THEN SCREAM GODDAMIT!!!! YOU'RE GONNA CRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (This position is briefly described as a 45 degrees one-handed handstand -Brief, yeah right!!) Oh and your body should almost face your left (the ground on your left, haha).
Now EAT SHIT... lol, Here is where most people differ in style, you can either PLACE Your LEFT hand down to your RIGHT hand's Right side (Confusing , isn't it?) (This Means like "L R" where L is your left hand, R is your right).
Or you can be HARDCORE and tuck your LEFT arm in (You'll do that anyways later) without making your left hand touch, a good alternative would be to place the side of your hand on the ground without actually placing any pressure on it, then collapsing to your LEFT shoulder.
7 - A
IF YOU PLACED YOUR LEFT HAND DOWN Place it down but don't shift your body weight to it, Also, keep your elbow bent as much as you can (i.e. DON’T lock your arm) this will stop you from shifting weight to it naturally and ruining the entire move. Now Do All this simultaneously.
Lower your upper body towards the ground by bending both elbows (But the LEFT elbow should be bent more so you'd lean to the left and forward).
Slightly Lift your right leg , twisting your Lower body to the RIGHT (i.e. Bringing your RIGHT leg slightly higher than your LEFT).
Tuck in your LEFT ELBOW, preparing for the collapse on to your shoulder, By now none of your legs should be lower than your shoulders.
Now THE most important part, this is where all the learning takes place, THE COLLAPSE!!! The Shoulder Killer, I personally HATE the time I learned the collapse, it hurt my shoulder like hell, if you don’t want to hurt your shoulder read the collapse mini-guide down here, otherwise if you have enough shoulder protection (or are HARDCORE and can take the pain) keep trying to smooth it out. Anyways just collapse to the back of your LEFT shoulder and roll to your back, keeping your Legs apart, you'll notice that (If you did it right) you have a bit of spinning momentum.
7 - B
IF YOU'RE HARDCORE!!!! (i.e. You Tucked in your left arm from the beginning).
It's Almost the same as doing it in "7-a", But you'll have to depend on your RIGHT triceps to lower you down slowly enough not to get hurt, then roll (Or collapse) to your shoulder and Voila, you look like a Pro! Esp. if you make people notice your left arm isn’t being used by waving it and tucking it in before you even start, HARDCORE!!! NOW MILL !!!!!
Now kick both your legs towards your face (yeah another U-shape!), the manner and sequence in which you kick your legs (i.e RIGHT or LEFT first, or even Both at the same time) depends on wether your gonna mill, backspin or spring up to your legs.
You got a coin drop!!!! Now go find someone to battle.
1 - What do you do with your left arm from the beginning? Its optimal use is for the wind up (More momentum) If you keep it high and stretched out, it may cause you a lil trouble putting it down in the right time, but it also would emphasize your motion, so its all up to you.
2 - Keep your legs STRAIGHT ALL ALONG, I can’t stress how much form is important in breakdance moves, a "Clean" move may be a common term in tricking and gymnastics, but for moves like mills, coindrops and downrocks, there is no such term, its either "RIGHT MOVE" or "WRONG MOVE".... So Stick to GOOD FORM.. Keep your legs straight!
3 - If your shoulder hurts, your either a- Dropping straight down, in which case you need to focus on the circular motion involved, here's a helpful thing to do, stand in a place where you can mark your left, right , front and back (a Square room is a good example) now you want to drop down so that your legs go (for CCW) from back to right to front, and your head looks to the left then UP to the ceiling (or Sky!).
And once your on the ground look at the space between your legs, if you see the wall (or whatever) you started facing , then you've done it right if you see anything that was to your left, you should practice mills, because that’s even better (because that'd mean you got good spinning momentum).
IF, however, you finished facing your right, or just twisted around and faced your back, you’re screwed, RE-READ the guide.